How kute! Kardashian sisters launch clothing line for little girls

The ladies take the ice on Wednesday after what felt like a long hiatus and while they were gone, the questions have been building up: How do their clothes not rip when they fall? What are the rules that allow a 15-year-old to’pete? And is Russian star Yulia Lipnitskaya double-jointed or WHAT? For even more burning questions, check out the whole collection here. When American Jeremy Abbot hit the ice, hard, after attempting a quadruple jump during the men’s short program last week, there was a reason his pants didn’t split.It has to do with the science behind the fabric figure skaters wear — fabrics that’bine function with fabulous. Whether it’s clothing or tights,Wholesale Cheap Sexy White Chiffon One Shoulder Sheath Long Evening/Prom Dresses manufacturers select material made of heavier fibers than those used for regular street clothing.

“With technology today, you can make nylon spandex — or any kind of’bination of polyester, Lycra, spandex — in a way so that the yarn is a little bit thicker, a little bit heavier, and it allows you to put enough stretch in the right direction at the right places,Wholesale Cheap Siliver Chiffon Strapless Beaded Appliques A-line Evening/Mother Of the Bride Dresses” said Melissa Brannan, vice president for merchandising and design for Capezio.When female ice dancers glide across the rink on their shins, they always seem to rise to their feet without a single snag around their knees. That’s because their tights are made for movement and have very specific stress points all along the fabric.For example, some figure skating tights are built to fit over the boot. Sometimes, these footless tights’e with Velcro or hooks at the bottom, while other styles simply rely on strong elastic to hug the skating boot and stay on during motion.

“That goes back to putting the right elasticity in the product in all the right stress points,” Brannan said. “Because if it’s too tight over the boot, it’s going to put too much pressure on the fiber as you go further up the leg, and if you slide across the ice, it will rip.Wholesale Cheap Tulle sweatheart cocktail evening prom dresses CT5111“Accidents do happen, however. On Monday, American ice dancer Alex Shibutani got part of his costume stuck on his sister Maia’s skirt while performing a lift. The partners improvised and worked themselves free, but left a tear in Maia Shibutani’s tights in the process.

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