Schulman laughed and showed the woman a picture of the old her

Alan has lost 85 pounds.Schulman lost 25 pounds before she even added exercise into the equation. Now she takes a Zumba class twice a week and walks several miles to and from her synagogue to attended religious services on Saturday. She says that walk is much easier at her current size than it used to be.She’s tried other exercise routines such as walking on the treadmill, but says that bores her and she ends up going home and eating afterward.One year after trying to take off five pounds to fit into that size 20 dress, Schulman was wearing a size 8.tissue paper pom pom wholesaleOn a recent shopping trip, she came out of the fitting room in a dress and the saleswoman told her it was too big. Schulman laughed and showed the woman a picture of the old her. Then she bought a size 4.

She says she was happy when she got down to a size 10, but she’s happier at a size 4.”This is the first time in my life that I feel like I don’t need to lose weight,” she says.
Schulman, now 65, worries about gaining the weight back but knows it’s different this time. She’s still getting used to her new body but says it’s definitely not temporary.“I didn’t go on a diet,” she says. “I changed my lifestyle.”She kept at it by making simple changes a strategy she continues today.Custom Ezreal fashion design pure cotton hoody with a zipperCNN – by Debra Goldschmidt Rose Anne Schulman has been known to go into the grocery store, buy fried chicken and eat four pieces of it in the parking lot.But that was the old her.Now when she has that craving she buys a rotisserie chicken, takes the skin off and eats only one piece.

She dropped 8 dress sizes by changing her style At her heaviest, Rose Anne Schulman had no idea what she weighed because she was too embarrassed to step on a scale.
Photo Courtesy Schulman Family She doesn’t actually know how much weight she’s lost over the last year-and-a-half because she previously was too embarrassed to get on a scale. She knows she once wore a size 20. Now she’s a size 4.A former dance teacher, Schulman never thought about what she was eating because she burned so many calories with aerobics, jazz, clogging, tap and ballet. Then a broken foot landed her on the couch.

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